日本打造“变态级”选美 俯身挤胸劈腿露底透视衬衫诱惑 据日本《产经新闻》2月4日报道,有日本平面模特界的“登龙门”之称的“MISS FLASH 2013”发表会,在日本东京都内召开。
荣获大奖的有阶户瑠李、永井里菜、池田裕子。活动现场三人穿着泳衣登场,并分别展示了她们个性的一面。“MISS FLASH ”在选美界有“登龙门”之称,从这个比赛出来的模特一般都会身价大涨,因此它也是日本最吸睛、最具价值的选美大赛。 阶户瑠李表示,“非常喜欢平面模特,经常看周刊杂志的平面模特版面”。阶户毕业于日本上智大学,现年24岁。辞去了现有的工作,正朝着模特的目标奋斗。如今终于获得了梦寐以求的“MISS FLASH”。 永井里菜,现年20岁。正在练习电脑,现在都可以打非常难拼的字母了,特长是擅长摆Y 字造型。
A dress which turns transparent when the wearer becomes aroused may soon be seen on the high street.
A dress which turns transparent when the wearer becomes aroused may soon be seen on the high street.
The dress, called Intimacy 2.0, is made of smart fabrics which become clear when electrified by a quickening heartbeat.
Award-winning Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde created the dress out of leather, and smart opaque e-foils.
It also uses wireless technologies, electronics, LEDs, copper and other media.
Daan calls his style of fashion 'techno-poetry.'
He said: 'Intimacy 2.0 is a fashion project exploring the relation between intimacy and technology.'
‘Technology is used here not merely functional but also as a tool to create intimacy as well as privacy on a direct, personal level which in our contemporary tech society is becoming increasingly important.’
Daan is currently in talks to produce a fashion version of the dress, which responds whenever the wearer gets excited or embarrassed.
The futuristic dress has been put on display in China, and its creator Daan has won a string of awards, including the Dutch Design Award and China's Most Successful Design Award.
He has exhibited his work at the Tate Modern and the Victoria and Albert Museum, as well as at many other international galleries.